Thursday, February 13, 2014

Progress since the 6th

My HCG level on the 6th was 310. The count should double every 48-72 hours. That would put me at 1240 on the 10th, should my numbers have been doubling every 48 hours. However, my numbers actually almost tripled every 48 hours. On the 10th my HCG was 2342. They told me this was great news!

I was instructed to continue my estrogen and progesterone. They also asked about prenatals, which I am taking. I got a prescription for special ones that are more easily absorbed than most.

Yesterday morning I woke up in the middle of the night/morning and went to the restroom like normal. I discovered that I was bleeding. I spent most of the night incredibly uncomfortable with a dull ache that usually happens just before I start my period.

I could have completely broke down, stressed out and wept like a baby. But I didn't. Only one tear came out before I stopped and took a minute to talk with God. I told Him that whatever His will was, it would be done. I said that if I wasn't meant to be pregnant that I wouldn't get upset and would just move on knowing that God always opens a better door when He closes one in our lives.

I called the doctor to see if he wanted me to go to the ER. They just told me to relax and get more blood work drawn on Friday. 

The bleeding stopped after no more than 2 hours . The dull aches went away by noon. I began to feel 100% after that.

Today I feel great, with the exception of feeling completely exhausted. LOL!

Continue to pray with us as we go through this entire pregnancy process. Pray my numbers on tomorrow's blood work show they are continuing to triple, or more than that, every 48 hours. Pray for continued peace for Kyle and me. 

Side note - pray that I watch what I eat. I generally eat healthy and usually can only have so much of sweets but I hear that can all change during pregnancy. I'd love to be the healthiest pregnant mom so that I can give this baby, or babies, the best chance possible.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers!

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