Friday, January 8, 2016

Health Update & Today's Word From God

About a month ago, December 2015, I experienced tremendous pain and went to the doctor knowing it had to be the endometriosis acting up. Being that I was a walk-in, I had to wait 2 hours before they could work me in. Why didn't I go to the ER? Because every time I do that they act like I'm a drug seeker until they get the test results and see that I truly do have a reason to be in pain.
Anyway, they did a transvaginal ultrasound as usual and were quite disturbed by the results. At that time, the doctor felt strongly about doing a total hysterectomy as soon as possible. Since that requires a 2 month recovery time, I told them I didn't want to do that until the summer since I'm in nursing school. While they weren't too happy about that they did agree to help me through until then with pain management and close monitoring. They scheduled me for a follow-up appointment today to make sure I spoke with my husband before fully deciding on anything.
Just got back from the surgical consult and got a bit of good news. The doctor has decided to start with a laparoscopic surgery (small incisions) and just remove the left ovary and the remainder of that tube since that is where the majority of the problems are located. She'll clean out the endometriosis and scar tissue as well. If all goes well, that's all I'll get done. I'm hopeful that she'll be able to do that.
However, when she gets in there she may change her mind. If it's too bad, she'll have to switch to an open total hysterectomy (huge scar and removal of all the reproductive organs meaning abrupt menopause).
Considering the total hysterectomy is what she had said I needed last month, I'm so thankful that she's decided to try for the least invasive approach first. This leaves hope that we may still have a chance at having children in the future. Though I've come to terms with the very large possibility of never having children, it is still nice to have hope.
I'm also hopeful that with only the removal of the left ovary and tube I'll have a reprieve from the complications and pain. She did say that if she is able to do the laparoscopic surgery it may not get rid of all of the complications since only a total hysterectomy could get rid of the endometriosis. However, she's hopeful it will last me through normal menopause as the left side is the cause of 97% of the complications and pain.
Tentatively, the surgery is scheduled for May 31st with pre-op on May 9th.
Please keep me in your prayers from now until the surgery in May. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. It's been a rough 15 years battling with the endometriosis and infertility. I couldn't have come this far without you all and without God.
With all that said, I subscribe to the Daily Double Portion daily devotional email from Sarah's Laughter: Christian Support for Infertility & Child Loss. While I don't read it every day, I do read it from time to time. Today's subject line caught my attention so I decided to read it.
I won't post the entire devotional here but I did want to post about how it affected me.
Long story short, three men chose to face death instead of bowing before a false God. They knew they were to be put to death for this but they did it anyway because of their faith in God. These are the words they said:
"O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.  If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king.  But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."
(Daniel 3:16-18)
I choose to stand firm on the message of their words.
“...the God we serve is able to... but even if he does not,...”
I will continue to bring my requests to God as He tells us to in Philippians 4:6. I know that He is able to give us the child we've so longed for. But even if he doesn't give us that child, I will continue to love and serve Him in all that I do.

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