Friday, November 1, 2013

Mock Transfer on November 8th

The amount of support we've gotten from our friends and family has been so touching. We cannot express to you how much this means to us.

The next step of our journey happens next Friday, November 8th. We go down to Jacksonville, FL to schedule the entire process. Also, during this visit they will do a "mock transfer" procedure. This is so that they will know exactly what tools to use and how my body will react to the actual embryo transfer. 

I'm a bit nervous about the "mock transfer" process as I've read that it can be painful. It's different for every one. Some people complain of mild pain, while others complain of severe pain. Also, they say you can handle pain very well but not handle this pain well at all because it is such a different kind of pain. 

Please pray for us as we travel to and from this meeting, go through the "mock transfer" and plan every step of the process. 

I still haven't gotten my blood work back. I'll be sure to update you all on the results of that test. I'm praying it comes back that my ovaries are very healthy and full of eggs. 

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