My appointment this morning brought more discouraging news. However, it isn't the end of our IVF journey.
My follicles on the right measure 15, 17 & 18 mm. The follicles on the left measure 17 & 17.
During the ultrasound they discovered that I have what is called a "hydrosalpinx." My left Fallopian tube is severely scarred and has closed off. It is currently filling with fluid; measuring 1 inch in diameter and the entire length of the tube. The only way for this fluid to come out is through the uterus. Unfortunately, this fluid is highly toxic to eggs and reduces the effectiveness of IVF by 50%.
With that said, they are not going to put our embryos back in right now. I'm still on schedule to have the harvesting of the eggs. That will take place this Friday morning! Please pray that those eggs are the best eggs ever and, if possible, that the embryos split and leave us with more than 5 chances of having a child.
The embryo transfer has been postponed since the fluid will reduce the odds of success by 50%. Unfortunately, a hydrosalpinx doesn't go away on its own. The doctor has said that I need another laparoscopic surgery. He doesn't want to remove the tube because that will remove the blood flow to the ovary which will only cause more damage to my already severely damaged ovary. He said that he will just detach the tube from my uterus. They'll remove what scar tissue they can while they are in there.
The surgery will be scheduled for Mid-December after my next cycle. On the first day of my cycle I will have to call to let the doctor know so that he can schedule it. Then, I'll need to wait until after my cycle in January to start the transfer process.
I will not have to go through the process I've already gone through. I won't have to order crazy amounts of injection medicine, have an ultrasound done every 3-4 days or have blood work done every 3-4 days. That part of the IVF process is already complete. What will happen is that I will call on the first day of my cycle in January to let them know. They will start me on pills to help my body become acceptable to the transfer. Mid-cycle they will perform the transfer. A couple of weeks later they'll do blood work to see if it took and then a couple of weeks after that they'll do an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy.
So, it will not be the best Christmas present ever as it won't happen until after Christmas. However, it will be the best Birthday present ever! The ultrasound to confirm pregnancy should be somewhere around early to mid February and my birthday is the 9th!
I was really hoping that my last surgery, in August this year, would have been the last. I am upset that I have to have another. However, there is still hope! This just means that I have to wait just a little bit longer.
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